
                                                                   Isaac Albéniz

      S S S S  S S S S S S  S S    S S S S  S S S S S S  S S  

  S S S S  S S S S S S  S S    S S S S  S S S S S S  S S  

  S S S S  S S S S S S  S S    S S S S  S S S S S S  S S  

  S S S S  S S S S S S  S S    S S S S  S S S S  S S S S  

  S S S S  S S S S S S S S    S S S S  S S S S S S S S  

  S S S S S S S S  S S  S S    S S  S S S S S S  S S S S  

  S S S S  S S S S S S S S    S S S S  S S S S S S S S  

  S S S S S S  S S  S S S S     S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|    |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|    |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|    |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|    |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  ^                                    ^                                  
     |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  E  S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S  

     |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-|    |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  
  E  S S S S S S S S S  S S S  S S S    S S S  S S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S  

  ^                                    ^                                  
     |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  E  S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S  

     |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-|    |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  
  E  S S S S S S S S S  S S S  S S S    S S S  S S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S  

   ^                                       ^                                    
      |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|        |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  
   E  S S S  S S S  S S S S S S  S S S     E  S S S  S S S  S S S S S S  S S S  

      |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  
   E  S S S  S S S  S S S S S S  S S S  

   |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  
   S S S S S S  S S S  S S S S S S  S S S  

       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-|  
   E   S S S  S S S S S S  S S S  S S S  

       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-|  
   E   S S S  S S S S S S  S S S  S S S  

       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-|  
   E   S S S  S S S S S S  S S S  S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S  

   ^                                       ^                                  
       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-|       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
   E   S S S  S S S S S S  S S S  S S S    E  S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S  

   ^                                       ^                                  
       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  |-3-|       |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
   E   S S S  S S S S S S  S S S  S S S    E  S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|    |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|                               
  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S  S S S S S S  S S  

  S S S S  S S S S S S  S S    S S S S  S S S S S S  S S  

                               |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S  S S S S  S S S S    S S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  
  S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S  S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-|  
  S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S  S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-|  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|                             
  S S S  S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  S S S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S     H.              Q    Q    Q     

  H        E  E      Q.     S S E  E     H        Q       Q      H         

  H        E  E      Q.     S S E  E     H        Q       Q      H         

  H        Q       E  S S E  E  E  E     H        Q       Q      H         

                                                      ^       ^             
  H         E  E     E  S T T E  E  E  E     H        Q       H.            

  Q    H           Q    T T S E  E  E     Q    H             Q    Q    Q     

  Q    Q    Q       Q    Q    Q       Q    Q    Q       Q    H         

  Q    Q    Q       E  E   E   S S  E  E     Q    Q    Q     

  E  E   E   S S  E  E     Q    Q    Q       E  E   E   S   S E  E   

  S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S    Q    Q    Q     

  E  E  E   S  S E  E     Q    Q    Q       E  E  E   S  S E  E   

  Q    Q    Q       E  E  E  S  S E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E   

  E  E  E  S S E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  T T S E   

  E  E  T  T S E  E  E     E  E  E  S S E  E     Q    Q    Q     

  E  E  E  S  S E  E     Q    Q    Q       E  E  E  S  S E  E   

                     |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  Q    Q    Q        S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

   |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
   S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  T T T T T T T T  T T T T T T T T  T T T T T T T T    H        E  E   

   H        T T S E     H        Q       Q      H           H        E  E   

   H        T T S E     Q    Q    Q         Q       H        Q     

  H.              H        Q       H.              H        Q     

  H        Q       H.              Q    Q    Q       S S S S  S S S S S S  S S  

                                  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|  
  S S S S  S S S S S S  S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-| |-3-|                                   
  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    H.              H.             

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

Tablature Legend
L - tied note
x - dead note
g - grace note
(n) - ghost note
> - accentuded note
NH - natural harmonic
AH - artificial harmonic
TH - tapped harmonic
SH - semi harmonic
PH - pitch harmonic
h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend
br - bendRelease
pb - preBend
pbr - preBendRelease
brb - bendReleaseBend
\n/ - tremolo bar dip
\n - tremolo bar dive
-/n - tremolo bar Release up
/n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip
/n - tremolo bar return
-\n - tremolo bar Release down
S - shift slide
s - legato slide
/ -  slide into from below or out of upwards
\ -  slide into from above or out of downwards
~ - vibrato
W - wide vibrato
tr - trill
TP - tremolo picking
T - tapping
S - slap
P - pop
< - fade in
^ - brush up
v - brush down
Hack wifi

Cara mudah Hack Wifi yangmenggunakan Password

sebelumnya kalian harus downloadsoftware di bawah ini:


2. jalankan porgram WireShark

3. Tekan tombol Ctrlc + k (klik capture laluoption

4. Pastikan isi interfacenya adalah EtmametCard anda yg menuju ke jaringan bilabukan ganti dan pastikanpula bahwa "Capture packetc inpromiscuous mode on"

4. Klik tombol start

5. Klik tombol stop setelah anda merasayakin bahwa ada password yang masukselamaanda menekan tombol start

6. Anda bisa melihat semua jenis packetyang masuk dan keluar di jaringan (ataupada komputer anda saja jika networkanda menggunakan Switch

7. Untuk menganalisis datanya klik kananpada data yang ingin di analisis lalu klik“Follow TCP Stream” dan selamatmenganalisis paketnya (saya tidak akanmenjelaskan caranya karena saya tidakbisa )

8. Yang jelas dari data itu pasti di dalamnyaterdapat informasi2 yang dimasukkankorban ke website dan sebaliknyaCara di atas hanya berlaku apabila jaringananda adalah Hub bukan switch Dari cara diatas anda dapat mengetahui bahwajaringan anda adalah hub/switch denganmelihat pada kolom IP Source dan IPDestination. Bila pada setiap baris salahsatu dari keduanya merupakan ip andamaka dapat dipastikan jaringan andaadalah jaringan switch, bila tidak ya berartisebaliknya.
Enhancement Class (+ Combo) [Rekomendasi]

Kalini saya akan memberi tahu anda tentang Enhancement Class + Combo Rekomendasi yang ada di game AQW . Pasti anda kebingungan memilih Enhancement yg pass untk di gunakan agar damage dri class/ weapon tsb bisa besar/ crit terus menerus. Baiklah tdk usah panjang lebar lg langsung aja di sedot ilmunya ^_^

-Starting & Secondary Upgrade Class-
Warrior / Warlord Class
Armor: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 5-3-4-2

Rogue / Renegade Class
Armor: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief / Luck
Weapon: Thief / Luck
COMBO: 5-4-2-3-3-3-3-3~ (PvP) / 5-4-3-3-3-3 (Monster/Boss)
NB: Gunakan skill 3 sebanyak-banyaknya hingga skill ke-2 fade.

Healer / Acolyte Class / Witch
Armor: Healer
Helm: Healer / Lucky
Cape: Healer / Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 4-5-3-3-2

Mage / Sorcerer Class
Armor: Wizard / Spellbreaker
Helm: Wizard / Spellbreaker
Cape: Wizard / Spellbreaker
Weapon: Wizard / Spellbreaker / Lucky
COMBO: 3-2-4-3-2-4~ (Jangan gunakan skill ke-5, cuman ngabisin MP) (PvP) / 5-4-3-2-3-2~ (Monster/Boss)

-Secondary Class-
Alpha Omega / DOOMega
Armor: Lucky / Wizard
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 2-4-5-3 (PvP) / 2-4-5-2-3 (Monster/Boss)

Alpha Pirate
Armor: Fighter / Thief
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter / Thief
COMBO: 5-2-4-3

Archfiend / Legendary Archfiend
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Lucky / Wizard
Cape: Lucky / Wizard
Weapon: Lucky / Wizard
COMBO: 2-4-3-2-4-3~

Assassin Class
Armor: Hybrid
Helm: Hybrid
Cape: Hybrid
Weapon: Fighter
COMBO: 5-4-2-3

Barber Class
Armor: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief
COMBO: 5-2-4-3

Bard Class
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 2-4-5-2

BattleMage / Royal BattleMage
Armor: Wizard / Lucky
Helm: Wizard / Lucky
Cape:  Wizard / Lucky
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky
FARMING: 3-4-5-3-4-5~ / 2-5-3-4-2 (Monster/Boss)

Beast Warrior
Armor: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Thief
COMBO: 5-4-3-2

Berserker Class
Armor: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-2-3

Beta Berserker
Armor: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-2-3

Armor: Thief
Helm: Lucky / Thief
Cape: Lucky / Thief
Weapon: Lucky / Thief
COMBO: 3-5-4-2 (PvP) / 5-2-3-4~ (Monster/Boss)

Blood Ancient
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-3-2

Blood Titan
Armor: Fighter
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Fighter
COMBO: 3-5-4-2 (PvP)

CardClasher Class
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-2-3

Chaos Shaper
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 3-5-4-2 / 4-5-3-2

ChronoCommander Class
Armor: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 2-2-2-4-3 (Monster/Boss)

ChronoCorruptor Class
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky / Wizard / Spellbreaker
COMBO: 5-3-2-4 (PvP) / 2(x4)-5-3-2 (Monster/Boss)

Chronomancer Class
Armor: Spellbreaker
Helm: Fighter / Spellbreaker
Cape: Fighter / Spellbreaker
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 2-5-4 / 5-3-4-2

Chunin Class
Armor: Thief / Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO:3-4-2-5 (PvP) / 2-3-2-3-4 (PvP)

Clawsuit Class
Armor: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 4-5-3-2

Darkblood StormKing
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 3-2-2-2-4-2-2 (HP), 4-2-2-2-2-2-4-2 (MP), 4-2-2-2-5-4-2 (Critical)
TIPS : Setelah combo HP-nya berhasil, boleh disambung ke combo MP atau Critical utk lebih banyak hit

Dark Caster Class
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Armor: Wizard / Lucky
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky
COMBO: 2-3-4-5

DeathKnight Class
Armor: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Defender Class
Armor: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-2-3

DoomKnight Class
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-2-3

DoomKnight Overlord
Armor: Lucky / Thief
Helm: Lucky / Thief
Cape: Lucky / Thief
Weapon: Lucky / Thief
COMBO: 3-4-5 (PvP)

Dragonlord Class
Armor: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-3-2-4

Dragonslayer Class
Armor: Fighter
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 2-5-4-5-4~-2-3 / 3-4-3-4-3-4~ (PvP & Dragon)

Dragon Knight
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard / Lucky
Cape: Wizard / Lucky
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky
COMBO: 5-3-4-3-2 (PvP) / 3-4-5-2-3-5-3-4-5-2~ (Monster/Boss)

Dragon Shinobi
Armor: Thief
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Fighter
COMBO: 2-2-2-2-2-2-4-3-5
NB: Gunakan skill ke-2 supaya DoT terus-menerus dan gunakan skill 3 jika darah sudah mulai sekarat.

Armor: Hybrid
Helm: Hybrid
Cape: Hybrid
Weapon: Hybrid / Fighter
COMBO: 5-4-3-2

Elemental Dracomancer / Love Caster
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard / Lucky
Cape: Wizard / Lucky
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky
COMBO: 4-5-3-2

Evolved Clawsuit Class
Armor: Hybrid
Helm: Hybrid
Cape: Fighter / Wizard
Weapon: Hybrid / Lucky

Evolved Dark Caster / Legion Evolved Dark Caster
Armor: Wizard / Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 2(3x)-3(2x)-5-4

Evolved Leprechaun Class
Armor: Lucky / Thief
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-2-4-3 / 4-5-2-3 / 5-4-2

Evolved Shaman
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky
COMBO: 5-2-3-2-2-3-2

Guardian Class
Armor: Fighter / Wizard / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Wizard / Lucky
Cape: Fighter /Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 3-4-5-2

Glacial Warlord Class
Armor: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 2(5x)-4-3-5

Horc Evader Class
Armor: Thief / Lucky
Helm: Thief / Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 2-5-4-3(3x)

Legendary Hero / Dark Legendary Hero
Armor : Lucky / Fighter
Helm : Lucky
Cape : Lucky
Weapon : Fighter
COMBO : 2-2-2~-3-5

Leprechaun Class
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-2-3-3-3-3-3~ (PvP) / 5-4-3-3-3-3 (Monster/Boss)
NB: Gunakan skill 3 sebanyak-banyaknya hingga skill-2 fade.

Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-2-3-2-3-2-3-2~-5-2-1

Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard

Armor: Lucky / Fighter
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Necromancer Class
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 2-5-3-4/2-5-3-3-3-3 dst

Ninja Class
Armor: Thief / Lucky
Helm: Thief / Lucky
Cape: Thief / Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 5-3-4-2-2-2~-4 (PvP), 3-5-2-2-2~-4 (Monster)
NB: Gunakan skill ke-2 terus-menerus, lalu gunakan skill ke-4.

Ninja Warrior Class
Armor: Thief / Lucky
Helm: Thief / Lucky
Cape: Thief / Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 5-3-4-2-2-2-2-2-2-4 (PvP)/3-5-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-4 (Monster)

No Class
Armor: Fighter / Lucky
Helm: Fighter / Lucky
Cape: Fighter / Lucky
Weapon: Fighter / Lucky
COMBO: 2-3-2-3

Oracle Class
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Luck
Cape: Luck
Weapon: Luck
COMBO: 2-4-5(Jangan lupa heal juga)

Paladin Class
Armor: Hybrid / Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-2

Armor: Wizard / Lucky
Helm: Wizard / Lucky
Cape: Wizard / Lucky
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky

Paladin Highlord
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Pinkomancer Class
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky

Pirate Class
Armor: Thief
Helm: Thief
Cape: Thief
Weapon: Thief / Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-2-3-3-3-3-3~ (PvP) / 5-4-3-3-3-3 (Monster/Boss)
NB: Gunakan skill 3 sebanyak-banyaknya hingga skill ke-2 fade.

Prismatic Clawsuit
Armor: Fighter
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 4-2-3-2-3

ProtoSartorium Class
Armor: Fighter / Hybrid
Helm: Fighter / Hybrid
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter

PumpkinLord Class
Armor: Fighter
Helm: Fighter
Cape: Fighter
Weapon: Fighter / Thief

Pyromancer Class
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard
COMBO: Pvp -> 3-4-2-5 , Monster -> 2-5-3-4

Ranger / Master Ranger Class
Armor: Thief
Helm: Thief / Lucky
Cape: Thief / Lucky
Weapon: Thief / Lucky
COMBO: 2(5x)-3 / 2(5x)-4 / 2(5x)-5

Armor: Hybrid
Helm: Hybrid
Cape: Hybrid
Weapon: Fighter
COMBO: 5-2-4-3

Shaman Class
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / lucky
COMBO: 5-2-3-2-3-3-2-4 (Monster) / 5(20x lebih jangan sampai fades)-3 (Boss)

Skyguard Grenadier
Armor: Lucky / Fighter
Helm: Lucky / Fighter
Cape: Lucky / Fighter
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 5-4-3-2 (PvP) / 2-5-4-5-4-3 (Boss)

Soul Cleaver / Exalted Soul Cleaver
Armor: Lucky / Fighter
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 4-5-2-1 (PvP) / 2-5-2-3-4-2-2-... (Boss)
TIPS: (Boss) Kalau boss ngeluarin damage besar, jangan menggunakan skill ke-5. Kalau HP lu sudah tersisa setengahnya, gunakan skill ke-5 dilanjutkan dengan skill ke-2 & gunakan skill ke-3 untuk heal.
(PvP) Kalau musuh ngeluarin damage besar, jangan menggunakan skill ke-5

Starlord Class
Armor: Thief / Luck
Helm: Thief / Luck
Cape: Thief / Luck
Weapon: Thief / Luck

Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky / Thief
Cape: Lucky / Thief
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 4-2-2-5

Thief of Hours
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky / Thief
Cape: Lucky / Thief
Weapon: Lucky
COMBO: 2-4-3-2-5

Troll Spellsmith Class
Armor: Lucky / Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard
COMBO: 5(x5)-2-3

Armor: Fighter / Luck
Helm: Fighter / Luck
Cape: Figther / Luck
Weapon: Fighter / Luck
COMBO: 2-4-3(Spirit power harus sampai 20 jangan sampai fade)-5

Ultra Elemental Warrior / Legendary Elemental Warrior
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Luck
Cape: Luck
Weapon: Luck
COMBO: 5-2-3-2-4 / 3-5-3-5

Vampire Class
Armor: Lucky
Helm: Lucky
Cape: Lucky
Weapon: Fighter
COMBO: 5-4-2-3-2

Vindicator of They
Armor: Wizard
Helm: Wizard
Cape: Wizard
Weapon: Wizard / Lucky
COMBO: 4-2-2-5-3-4-3
Cara unblock matomy

NB: Khsuus VPN Kepard, Exprexs, Hiden ,
Yang Lain kami Tidak Zamin! Clear chace dulu di Browserr kalian TEkan CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE Centang semua Dan PILIH BEGINING OF TIME Klik Browsing Data
. jika Sudah Close Browser kalian Buka CCleaner kalian, Lalu Pilih APlication Centang semua seperti ini Lalu Klik Run Cleaner Jika Sudah selesai di CCleaner Cooba ANALISA lagi klik Analyse, Lalu Klik lagi RUN CLEANER Bagi yang belum punya CCleaner bsa download di ====================== Tips kedua Earn Max 1 hari = 2 char ( cari aman biar ga di banned IP asli ente ) Tips Ketiga Jika Sudah Klik Offernya Di usahakan jangan sampai Di closed OFFERNya BISA FATAL nanti.USAHAKAN AGAR BSA SELESAI SAAT ITU JUGA Tips KeEmatTeruslah Belar dari pengalaman Kalian Karena PENGALAMAN ADALAH GURU DARI DIRI KALIAN SENDIRI

Cara Membuka Kode PIN dan PUK Semua Operator

Kode PIN (Personal Identification Number) digunakan untuk melindungi SIM Card dari penggunaan SIM Card secara tidak sah. Biasanya terjadi bila sim card kita dicuri dan pencuri tersebut ingin menggunakan kartu sim card untuk menelpon, sms atau bahkan terkoneksi ke Internet.
Kode PIN biasanya diminta saat Handphone dihidupkan untuk pertama kalinya. Kode PIN terdiri atas 4 hingga 8 angka dan biasanya diberikan bersama Kartu SIM. Namun demikian, sebaiknya ubah kode PIN asli sesuai keinginan Anda.

Kode PUK

Kode PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) terdiri atas 8 angka dan diperlukan untuk mengubah kode PIN yang diblokir. Kode PUK biasanya diberikan juga oleh operator pada SIM Card namun demikian ada beberapa operator yang tidak memberikan kode PUK dalam paket kartu perdana mereka.
Lalu bagaimana bila kita lupa kode PIN dan kode PUK? Apakah kita masih bisa menggunakan SIM Card tersebut atau apakah kita harus datang ke operator?

Bila kita lupa kode PIN dan salah memasukkan kode tersebut 3 kali berturut-turut maka SIM Card kita akan di kunci dan kita harus memasukkan kode PUK
Pertanyaannya bagaimana bila kita lupa kode PUK? ternyata ada beberapa cara tergantung operator yang kita gunakan sbb :

untuk Operator Indosat  :call ke operator 100 (berbayar)dan sedikit catatan untuk kartu IM3ada alternatif lain untuk membuka kode PUK yang terkunciBila SIM Card IM3 Meminta kode PUK, masukan angka 1-8 secara berurutan (baca: 12345678)dibeberapa kartu SIM yang terkunci sukses bisa dibuka kembali

untuk operator Telkomsel ( As dan Simpati)call ke 116 ( gratis)silahkan tanyakan nomor PUK kartu sim anda ke customer service tersebut dan apabila ditanyakan ICCID bacakan nomor yang tertera dibelakang Simcard anda.

untuk operator XLcall ke 817 (berbayar), 818 (gratis)silahkan tanyakan nomor PUK kartu sim anda ke customer service dan apabila ditanyakan ICCID bacakan nomor yang tertera dibelakang Simcard anda.ada alternatif lain untuk mendapatkan kode PUK kartu XLSilahkan aja ketik SMS dengan format:PUK1[spasi]NoHP[spasi]19DigitNomorDiBelakangSIMcardContoh: PUK1 0818762672 4136449610017894761dan kirim ke 9767Anda akan menerima balasan berisikan Kode PUK anda

untuk operator AXIScall ke 888 (gratis)silahkan tanyakan nomor PUK kartu sim anda ke customer service dan apabila ditanyakan ICCID bacakan nomor yang tertera dibelakang Simcard anda.

untuk operator Threecall ke 123 (gratis)silahkan tanyakan nomor PUK kartu sim anda ke customer service dan apabila ditanyakan ICCID bacakan nomor yang tertera dibelakang Simcard anda.

untuk operator Esiacall ke *999 (gratis)silahkan tanyakan nomor PUK kartu sim anda ke customer service dan apabila ditanyakan ICCID bacakan nomor yang tertera dibelakang Simcard anda.

Untuk operator Flexicall ke 147silahkan tanyakan nomor PUK kartu sim anda ke customer service dan apabila ditanyakan ICCID bacakan nomor yang tertera dibelakang Simcard anda.

 Untuk not angka dan lyric lagu yang dibawah :)
Pharrell Williams - Happy

[Verse 1]
It might seem crazy what I'm about to say
Sunshine she's here, you can take away
I'm a hot air balloon, I could go to space
With the air, like I don't care baby by the way

Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

[Verse 2]
Here come bad news talking this and that
Yeah, give me all you got, don't hold back
Yeah, well I should probably warn you I'll be just fine
Yeah, no offense to you don't waste your time
Here's why

Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Happy, bring me down
Can't nothing,
bring me down
Love is too happy to bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
I said bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
Love is too happy to bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
I said

Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Happy, bring me down
Can't nothing,
bring me down
Love is too happy
to bring me down
Can't nothing,
bring me down
I said

Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do
Lirik Lagu Ebiet G. Ade - Berita Kepada Kawan + CHORD GITAR

Intro :  D G D A D G D

D                     A              D
Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan
Em            A           D
Sayang engkau tak duduk disampingku kawan
D                       A            D
Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan
Em         A          D
Di tanah kering bebatuan

D                           A        D
Tubuhku terguncang dihempas batu jalanan
Em         A           D
Hati tergetar menampak kering rerumputan
D                       A          D
Perjalanan ini pun seperti jadi saksi
Em         A             D
Gembala kecil menangis sedih oooo

A             G         D
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
A         G          D
Ketika ia kutanya mengapa
A         G             D
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
A          G         D
Ditelan bencana tanah ini

Sesampainya di laut
Kukabarkan semuanya
Em             A            D
Kepada karang kepada ombak kepada matahari
G                 D
Tetapi semua diam tetapi semua bisu
Em                A
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit

D                       A
Barangkali disana ada jawabnya
A                     D
Mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana

G                     D
Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan Melihat tingkah kita
Em         A             D
Yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa
G                      D
Atau alam mulai enggan bersahabat dengan kita
Em         A          G        A    D
Coba kita bertanya pada rumput yang bergoyang
(intro 2x) Dm Fm

Dm                               C#5
Before the story begins, is it such a sin,
Fm                         Abm
For me to take what's mine, until the end of time?
Dm                             C#5
We were more than friends, before the story ends,
Fm                        Abm
And I will take what's mine, create what

God would never design

Dm                    A
Our love had been so strong for far too long,
I was weak with fear that
Dm (followed by A small breakdown of Ab5 , G5 , F5 )
Something would go wrong,
Dm               A
Before the possibilities came true,
Abm            Dm (followed by A small breakdown of Ab5 ,
F5 )
I took all possibility from you

Dm       F             Fm      Abm
Almost laughed myself to tears, (CRAZY LAUGHTER)
Dm      F         Fm       Dm
Conjuring her deepest fears (COME HERE YA’ FUCKIN’ BITCH!!!)

Dm                      C#5           ( F5 slide to Ab5   3x)
Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times,

I can't believe it,
Dm                  C#5                ( F5 slide to Ab5   3x)
Ripped her heart out right before her eyes,
                 (guitar silent for eat it eat it eat it)
Eyes over easy, eat it, eat it, eat it

She was never this good in bed

Even when she was sleepin'

Now she's just so perfect I've

Never been quite so fucking deep in

(here the strings of the orchestra do a walk down of sorts – I simplified it for
cuz it’s really hard to sing to if you play the real riff)

One Bar of Dm , Bb before singing continues

            Dm                Bb
It goes on, and on, and on,
              Dm                     Bb
I can keep you lookin' young and preserved forever,
      Dm                         Bb
With a fountain to spray on your youth whenever

(the string walk down section which I simplified is now over)

             Gm                          C
'Cause I really always knew that my little crime
           F                               Dm
Would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
         Bb       C                   F
And I know, I know it's not your time
But bye, bye
      Bb                          C
And a word to the wise when the fire dies
            A                         ( Dm C Bb )
You think it's over but it's just begun
But baby don't cry

               Bb                  C
You had my heart, at least for the most part
        F            C            Dm               C      Bb
'Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
Let's make a new start
        F            C         Dm                    C      Bb
'Cause everybody's gotta die sometime yea-yeah
But baby don't cry-ay-ay-ay-ay

(Repeat all relevant parts until the end of the second chorus)


( Dm A Fm Fm ) (2x)
NOW BE CAREFUL HERE – sometimes the chord changes on the male voice, and sometimes on
female voice – pay close attention

Dm     Bb      Gm         F
     I    will suffer for so long

(What will you do, not long enough)
To make it up to you
(I pray to God that you do)
I'll do whatever you want me to do
  A                              Dm
(Well then I'll grant you one chance)
       Bb   Gm
And if it's not enough
(If it's not enough, If it's not enough)
If it's not enough

(Not enough)
Try again

(Try again)
And again

(And again)
Over and over again

We're coming back, coming back

We'll live forever, live forever
Let's have wedding, have a wedding

Let's start the killing, start the killing

( Dm Fm ) (2x) A

And afterward (during the oooooohh-ing):

( D5 C#5 Bb5 A5 E5 ) (2x)

In this part the strings of the orchestra do that same walk down – substitute it with
I said to use previously for “it goes on and on and on”

Do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life?

(Yes, I do.)

Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life?

(I do)

I now pronounce you...

End with pre-chorus and chorus
Intro: E5 F#5 B5 A5 G5 A5 E5 F#5 D5
E5 F#5 D5 E5 G5 F#5 D5
E5 F5 A5 B5 E5

  Dm                                          Fm
Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen
Dm                                        Fm
So unsure but it seems, ’cause we’ve been waiting for you
Dm                                              Fm
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
        Dm                                               Fm
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

Dm               C     Dm                      C
I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right
Dm                      C                   Bb
Such a surreal place to see so how did this come to be
Arrived too early

Dm         F                 Bb
And when I think of all the places I just don't belong
Dm            F                  Bb              C          F
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far

F            C                      Dm
I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear
   Bb             F
Escape from this afterlife
F            C                     Dm
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on
Far away from here

Dm                                                 Fm
A place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain
Dm                                                  Fm
Can leave this place but refrain, ’cause we've been waiting for you
Dm                                              Fm
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
Dm                                                       Fm
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

Dm                         C
This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall)
Dm                  C
No pain or sign of time (I’m much too young to fall)
Dm                           C                     Bb
So out of place don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign
I've made up my mind

Dm           F                Bb
Give me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye
Dm           F              Bb              C
Please understand I have to leave and carry on my own life

F          C                       Dm   
I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear
    Bb              F

Never been for anything


Never chained but never free

 G                D

I lied to heal the broken love

    Bm          C  

With all that it could


Live the life so endlessly


Saw beyond what others see

 G                  D

I tried to heal your broken heart

    Bm         C

With all that I could


Will you stay


Will you stay away forever?

Em                        G

How do I live without the ones I love?

Am                                Em         D

Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt

Em                  G

Facing times always on my mind

 Am                                C    D

I have so much to say but you're so far away


Means a war of futures hold


Foolish lies of grown and old

   G              D

And seems we're so invincible

   Bm          C

The truth is so cold


A final song, a last request


A perfect chapter laid to rest

G              D

Now and then I try to find

   Bm          C

The place in my mind


Where you can stay?


You can stay awake forever!

Em                        G

How do I live without the ones I love?

Am                                Em         D

Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt

Em                  G

Facing times always on my mind

 Am                                C     D

I have so much to say but you're so far away


Sleep tight


I'm not on pray

   Am                    Em

The ones that we love are here with me


Lay away


A place for me


'Cause as soon as I'm done


I'll be on my way


To live eternally

(solo) E  C  Am  Em

      E  C  D  C  D

Em                        G

How do I live without the ones I love?

Am                                Em         D

Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burnt

Em                  G

Facing times always on my mind


And the light you let remains

         C         D

But it so hard to stay

     Am                                C     D    Em

And I have so much to say and you're so far away

(solo- 3:30 2x) Em  D  Am  G  D/F#  Em  D  C

(solo) Em  D  Am  G  D/F#  Em  D  C (2x)

      Em  D  C


I love you


You were ready

Am         G       D/F#   Em   D   C

The pain stroke in dark spines


But I see you


An it lets me

Am           G       D/F#     Em    D    C

Your pain is gone on hands of time

Em D     C   Em         D             C

So far away      (And I need you to know)

Em D     C   Em         D                    C

So far away      (And I need you to need you to know)
Intro :  D G D A D G D

D                     A              D
Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan
Em            A           D
Sayang engkau tak duduk disampingku kawan
D                       A            D
Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan
Em         A          D
Di tanah kering bebatuan

D                           A        D
Tubuhku terguncang dihempas batu jalanan
Em         A           D
Hati tergetar menampak kering rerumputan
D                       A          D
Perjalanan ini pun seperti jadi saksi
Em         A             D
Gembala kecil menangis sedih oooo

A             G         D
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
A         G          D
Ketika ia kutanya mengapa
A         G             D
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
A          G         D
Ditelan bencana tanah ini

Sesampainya di laut
Kukabarkan semuanya
Em             A            D
Kepada karang kepada ombak kepada matahari
G                 D
Tetapi semua diam tetapi semua bisu
Em                A
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit

D                       A
Barangkali disana ada jawabnya
A                     D
Mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana

G                     D
Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan Melihat tingkah kita
Em         A             D
Yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa
G                      D
Atau alam mulai enggan bersahabat dengan kita
Em         A          G        A    D
Coba kita bertanya pada rumput yang bergoyang
And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
And sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
Intro: C G Am G F

     Am                  F
Lihatlah luka ini yang sakitnya abadi
        C                       G
Yang terbalut hangatnya bekas pelukmu
    Am                 F
Aku tak akan lupa tak akan pernah bisa
        C                     G
Tentang apa yang harus memisahkan kita

        Em      F          G
Di saat ku tertatih tanpa kau disini
       Em       F          G
Kau tetap ku nanti demi keyakinan ini

       F          G            C
Jika memang dirimulah tulang rusukku
         F         G          Am
Kau akan kembali pada tubuh ini
        F         G          C
Ku akan tua dan mati dalam pelukmu
     Am     G         F  C
Untukmu seluruh nafas ini

     Am                 F
Kita telah lewati rasa yang pernah mati
      C                        G
Bukan hal baru bila kau tinggalkan aku
      Am                 F
Tanpa kita mencari jalan untuk kembali
       C                        G
Takdir cinta yang menuntunmu kembali padaku

        Em      F          C      G
Di saat ku tertatih tanpa kau disini
       Em       F          G
Kau tetap ku nanti demi keyakinan ini

       F                          C
Jika memang kau terlahir hanya untukku
        F                     Am
Bawalah hatiku dan lekas kembali
        F                          C
Ku nikmati rindu yang datang membunuhku
     Am     G         F
Untukmu seluruh nafas ini

Dan ini yang terakhir (aku menyakitimu)
Ini yang terakhir (aku meninggalkanmu hooo..)
        Am        G         F
Tak kan ku sia-siakan hidupmu lagi
     Dm                    F
Ini yang terakhir, dan ini yang terakhir
        Am       G         F       G C
Tak kan ku sia-siakan hidupmu lagi

       F          G            C
Jika memang dirimulah tulang rusukku
         F         G          Am
Kau akan kembali pada tubuh ini
        F         G          C
Ku akan tua dan mati dalam pelukmu
     Am     G         F 
Untukmu seluruh nafas ini

       F          G            C
Jika memang dirimulah tulang rusukku
         F         G          Am
Kau akan kembali pada tubuh ini
        F         G          C
Ku akan tua dan mati dalam pelukmu
     Am     G         F 
Untukmu seluruh nafas ini
     Am     G         F 
Untukmu seluruh nafas ini

     Dm     F         C
Untukmu seluruh nafas ini